Complex Challenges Require Sophisticated Solutions

Whether formalizing a financial process or listing a new product, emerging economies face unique regulatory demands that their more established competitors don’t. These complex rules mean businesses sometimes struggle to make it easy for their customers to adopt new technology.

One common tradeoff is the balance between on-premises deployment and cloud-based failover solutions to meet regulatory requirements. However, not all exchange infrastructure is flexible enough to accommodate such requirements.

Connamara Technologies understands just how taxing these considerations can be, and we’re here to help your team make these transitions as seamless as possible.

Choosing the Right Exchange Infrastructure Provider

Security and Trust: Connamara Tech prioritizes and values your security by safeguarding sensitive data and information. Our platform’s robust security measures provide peace of mind. Internally, we’ve become Service Organization Controls (SOC) 2 Type II certified to demonstrate our commitment to safety.

Adaptable and Flexible Solutions: Where there are emerging economies, there are unique and evolving requirements. Our flexible and versatile software fits your changing needs, ensuring your exchange remains agile and future-proof. Check out our extensive API capabilities.

How EP3™ Meets Your Unique Needs

EP3 is engineered to offer total flexibility through either cloud hosting, on-premises, or as a hybrid development. We prioritize security and trust, and we’re adaptable and flexible.

With our Discovery process, we’re here to help you make this evolution as seamless as possible. Our experts are ready to guide you through the process and ensure a smooth transition so you can focus on the business aspects.

See how we’ve successfully supported exchanges in emerging economies in this case study showcasing the real-world results of EP3 in action.

Ready to learn more about how our technology can support your needs? Contact us today to get started.

Guiding Your EP3 Journey


This is your chance to interview us to make sure it is the right fit. During this part of the process, we will curate a demo and discuss pricing after the mutual NDA has been executed.

✓ Bi-lateral Interview

✓ Sign Mutual NDA

✓ Curated Demo Environment

✓ High-level Requirements

✓ Discuss Pricing



Before any integration starts, the Connamara Technologies team will map out your exchange requirements, potential enhancements, and design a customized implementation plan to propel you to the first trade on your exchange.

✓ Connamara produces detailed reports covering all requirements

✓ Demo environment access

✓ Includes diagrams, recommendations, and gap analysis



After we finish Discovery, we begin to put our implementation plan into practice by integrating EP3 using its collection of APIs, training your team on using the exchange platform, and supporting any troubleshooting needed to get your exchange launched.

✓ Training/Onboarding

✓ Integration and Testing

✓ Custom Development (if needed)

✓ Exchange Operational Handoff

✓ Pre-production Support



After you launch your exchange, the Connamara Technologies team will continue to support the health of your exchange and provide EP3 product updates that improve the performance, reliability, and usability of your exchange infrastructure.

✓ Dedicated Account Manager

✓ Customized Support Model

✓ Product Updates

Accelerate the development of your exchange for a fraction of the cost

Let us show you how our advanced exchange platform and matching engine can propel your organization to the front of the trading race.
